"A plainspoken and extensively detailed account of cancer treatment and the pain of loss." ~ Kirkus Reviews
"When I received 'Love Always', I was reluctant to read it at first. I knew it would be an emotional ride, (and it was), but I dove in that evening and couldn't put it down. Your beautifully written book was many things to me, John. First and foremost, it was a love story. Whether or not I had personally known the main characters did not matter. It was also a biography of my dear friend, and I learned a lot about Donna and her family, life after Vanier, and stories that illustrated her amazing soul. I laughed out loud a few times, I could so easily recall her laugh and mannerisms. I love the way you captured her spirit in the stories. Lastly John, it is a wonderful resource – yes, for women diagnosed with the same type of cancer as Donna, but also for anyone who is trying to navigate the system. Your takeaway in every chapter, the personal ones and the medical ones, will be so helpful to so many. What, and how Donna endured during cancer, well I admit I had no idea about a lot of it. Donna was indeed an incredible human being and a loyal and caring friend. I feel so blessed to have known her, and fortunate that she made the effort to reconnect so many years ago. But it wasn't long enough. Thank you for bringing her to life for me through your book, John." ~ L.G.
"’Love Always’ exposes the human side of one couple's journey with a rare and lethal form of breast cancer. Despite their initial and determined optimism that Donna's Triple-Negative breast cancer would go into full remission after chemo, surgery, and radiation, the Corrigan's found themselves on a cancer journey that many have experienced but few have documented and published. In true journal style and with meticulous detail, John Corrigan writes from the heart about their complex 18-month journey from diagnosis to Donna's final days at home on her beloved southern Ontario farm. It's a story that will inform and educate anyone who is navigating through breast cancer or is/was a caregiver of a cancer patient." ~ M.M.
"’Love Always’ is a beautifully written love story. It includes an honest, detailed account of a loving couple's 18 month journey through a diagnosis of cancer. The story of their daily struggles with all their ups and downs. Together they felt they could get through anything. The book and the take aways/lessons learned as well as helpful additional information will help others going through a fight of their own. Very well done. A loving tribute but also a helpful resource. ~ R.V.B.
"This book chronicles many things. 1. The love and devotion shown by Donna for John, and he for her. 2. The outstanding courage and determination of Donna Corrigan facing the daunting ordeal of fighting an aggressive form of breast cancer. 3. The many trials and tribulations, highs and lows faced by Donna (the patient), and John (the caregiver and advocate), in dealing with various medical tests, procedures, operations, medical professionals and health organizations! 4. The unwavering love and support of those who cared so deeply about Donna and John, and 5. The ("Takeaways and lessons learned") that everyone who reads this book can definitely use." ~ J.D.
“I just wanted to let you know that I purchased your book, one for myself, and one each for my kids. I got it on a Tuesday, and by Wednesday I finished to the end. It is a very compelling story, and even though I know how it ends, I wanted to read all of the pages of your eighteen months of a very fierce battle. Three of my family members have passed away from cancer. My oldest sister, who has beaten cancer twice, is now fighting breast cancer. In future, anytime I think I am having the worst day of my life, or a time when all ahead looks very bleak, I will turn to your book as a reference, knowing everything could always be worse. As you told about places where you were driving, it took me to places where I grew up, went to school and went to work, before I moved to Oshawa. I hope that in writing the book, you have healed somewhat. I know you never get over the pain of loss, but I do know that your book, your thoughts, and your patience and compassion, as a caregiver, will be very helpful to any of us who may face the task of caregiving to someone we know and love. I was very moved by the wording on Donna’s grave, and the careful thoughts you made in deciding her final resting place - where the sun rises and sets on her. Take care.” ~ A.A.
"So honored and thrilled to finally receive this book! I had to pay it forward because growing up [Mrs.] Corrigan helped me thru a lot of the trials and tribulations as a teen. As I am sure she had for all of her students. She was one of the rare and few at Brock that had such a contagious spirit and strong social impact among her students. Always lent an ear and had a big heart to care. Never picked any favorites, or judged based on your background! I will always be thankful and privilege to have her as my former teacher that helped mold me [into] who I am today. She allowed me break thru my social insecurities and to be more sociable, comfortable, and confident in my own funny, and comical way among other peers. I will also be grateful for allowing, and being a part of the short film about bullying I had made a few years ago. Something I would have never even thought of to make or consider. As filmmaking was never an interest I had in mind. But she encourage me to do it, as she felt it was an important subject to showcase and be a part of, as she knew my struggles I had growing up. I will always be grateful for the impact she had on me and always miss her kind and caring spirit. RIP Mrs. Corrigan." ~ M.S.
"Mary is loving your tribute to your Donna and as a cancer survivor herself relates to her ordeal. The book is an important and compelling narrative in the continuing battle by women and the medical community to combat and hopefully eradicate this disease. Also, Mary wants to emphasize that the cover photo itself is a beautiful tribute to a lovely lady who was taken from all of us far too soon." ~ J.W.
“It takes a very special person to walk hand in hand with us in our breast cancer diagnosis. Thank you for being there for your wife. Also, thank you for writing the book and bringing awareness to those newly diagnosed with this horrible disease, regardless of the type of breast cancer. I have been blessed to have survived 25 years of breast cancer. My blessing is to share my journey as well with the newly diagnosed or those living with breast cancer so they know there is hope and hopefully light, at the end of that very long dark tunnel. God Bless you.” ~ J.A.
“A love story that takes a journey though one couple finding each other and building a wonderful life only to face the trauma of a long and heartbreaking battle against cancer. Through the narrative you come to know the participants and their personal stories, then with precise detail, you learn about this horrible disease, the long road through treatment and the toll it takes. It is a story of love, friendship, hope and eventually loss.” ~ L.W.
"This is a wonderful tribute to Donna, a very special lady. Everyone that knew her, miss her. This book is a beautifully written and detailed account of the journey Donna and John went through following her cancer diagnosis. I really appreciated the inclusion of many lessons learned, that I am sure will benefit others. It was very difficult to put down because it was so well written. Thank you for sharing so honestly what you both went though." ~ K.P.
"I just finished reading Love Always. It was so beautifully written, that it was like watching a documentary on your life with Donna. So sorry that you both had to go through her devastating illness and your unimaginable loss. But I read all the wonderful things you did together, and memories you made. Not many can say that. You obviously have great family and friends, you are loved and supported." ~ P.K.
Your book arrived Tuesday night and I picked it up on Wednesday morning. Thank you. I started reading it Wednesday and finished it the next day. I enjoyed reading this very well written book. Of course it was quite a very emotional, difficult journey for you and Donna. It must have been hard to relive all those moments, doctor appointments, test results, etc. But, at the same time, therapeutic hopefully for you. I believe you will help others, going through a similar battle with cancer, by writing this book. ~ K.K.
"I just received my book yesterday and sat down to read it. It certainly brought back sad memories of Donna’s many challenges and her great courage. What really shone through was John's love for Donna. It certainly is a love many of us will never experience. Well written my friend." ~ S.H.
“Got the book today. Finished reading it on the very same day. Could not put it down. It was so well written. Thanks for sharing your journey. A wonderful tribute to a wonderful friend to everyone. Donna would be so proud of your accomplishments.” ~ M.G.